
*The “FIND A LOCATION” feature is powered by Google Maps and provides a quick, informal window into our network locations.  Expeditors does not control or validate the results of (a) any FIND A LOCATION query or how those results are presented; (b) the order of the results; (c) or the accuracy of the results vis-à-vis any particular political or geographic viewpoint.  Users in different countries searching the same words may not receive the same results or, indeed, any results at all. 

The “CONTACT” link at the bottom right of our web pages is a better source for accurate, detailed information about Expeditors’ 170+ branch offices around the globe.  Alternatively, contact your existing Expeditors supply-chain professional directly.  We regret any inconvenience or confusion regarding inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading Google Maps-powered results in the FIND A LOCATION feature. 


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